This project was created for ‘Web: Mobile Design” in 2020.“Order with Me” is a collaborative project with Kimberly Chan. This mobile app focuses on easing the process of group ordering food. We want to reward the users by creating a delightful and memorable experience that sets a new visual language for food ordering user interfaces. This collaborative project started with User + Market Research for other food delivering apps. Then through several rounds of wireframes and high fidelity prototypes and ultimately with a live prototype.
While brainstorming for this app, we had in mind two different scenarios that would serve as the drawing board. For each scenario, we interviewed people who related to our persona.
"Persona 1" Accountant / 45–50 / NY
Goal: to have a easy going lunch routine, with minimal incorrectly placed orders and less stress.
"Persona 2" Student / 18–24 / NY
Goal: to have a varied selection of snacks and desserts & to be able to order without any hassels.
At first we were stuck with the usual format and design language that many food ordering apps already have. After various attempts and by creating several moodboards with key visuals we landed on a bright and colourful palette merged with amorphous shapes.
The focus for this project was to create a working prototype with many microanimations that help enlighten the wireframes while attracting the user through the various transactional screens. These animations help guide the user through the various user flows and make pages like the ‘tracking screens’ attractive.